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USDA has a Number of Farm Bill Programs that Assist Producers in Meeting their Conservation Objectives

• Conservation Reserve Program-GENERAL: CRP is a voluntary program for agricul- tural landowners. Through CRP, you can receive annual rental payments and cost-share assistance to establish long-term, resource conserving covers on eligible farmland. SIGN UP planned for mid year 2010.

• Conservation Reserve Program-CONTINUOUS: similar to the General CRP and is for the purpose of buffering environmentally sensitive areas. Continuous SIGN UP.

• Environmental Quality Incentive Program: EQIP is a voluntary conservation pro- gram that promotes agricultural production and environmental quality. This pro- gram is available to farmers, and offers financial and technical assistance to install or implement structural and management practices on eligible agricul- tural land.

• Grassland Reserve Program: GRP is a voluntary conservation program that helps private landowners and operators restore and protect grassland, including rangeland and pastureland.

• Conservation Stewardship Program: encourages producers to address resource concerns in a comprehensive manner by undertaking additional conservation activities, and improving, maintaining and managing existing conservation activi- ties.

• Wetland Reserve Program: WRP provides technical and financial assistance to willing owners of eligible lands to restore, create, or enhance wetlands through conservation easements and restoration cost-share agreements to improve mi- gratory birds and wildlife habitat, improve water quality, and aid in flood control and ground water recharge.

• Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program: WHIP is a voluntary program that helps land- owners develop wildlife habitat on private lands.

Applications are accepted on a continuous basis. However, each locality has a cutoff date for ranking applications.

Program availability varies across the state. Please contact your local FARM SERVICE CENTER for specific details pertinent to your farm and county.

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